Monday, January 24, 2011

Streetwise Seniors Giveaway Tomorrow!

We're pleased to announce that tomorrow, to help kick off the new year, we'll be teaming up with the folks over at the a little etsy love blog to give away some Streetwise Seniors gear!

So for all of you who dig our Streetwise Seniors line here's your chance to score some items for free ;) Swing by their blog tomorrow (or click here if you like head starts) for more info and to enter.

¡Buena Suerte!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One Chapter Ends & A New One Begins

As we were finishing up our Sketchbook Project entry last weekend, I was relieved that we were able to make our deadline but I knew that we weren't out of the tunnel yet.

We had planned on creating our sketchbook digitally since day one, and our ultimate goal was/is to post our sketchbook to our site so that anyone can view it. Well, the time has come to get cracking on that task!

The Sketchbook Project tour is set to start in the beginning of March and we want to make sure that our sketchbook is up on our site and fully functional by then. We're not really sure how we're going to incorporate the sketchbook into our site so if you have any ideas we would love to hear them ;)

In the meantime here's a quick sneak peek at some of the characters in our story as well as the story's cover page. You can also visit our arthouse co-op page to see some actual photos of our sketchbook.

So as one chapter ends, a new one begins. Happy Sunday!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Alligators Can't Stick Out Their Tongues & Other Randomness

I will start this post by saying that I intended to write this last Sunday evening; however, due to unforseen events I have not had the time to do so until right now.

Secondly, let me wish everyone a happy 2011! It seems like just yesterday I was making New Year's plans and now here we are with the first month of 2011 half over. Wow.

Thirdly, the above mentioned unforseen events centered around our entry for Art House Co-op's Sketchbook Project. At the last minute we decided to go in a different direction with our sketchbook and while the sketchbook has been in our posession for several months now, our story was started and completed within the last 7 days. As an aside, we would not recommend this approach for anyone who values their sleep or their sanity ;)

But now on to the truly pressing matter and the real reason for this post: Alligators can't stick out their tongues.

No, that's not an alligator. That's our 4 year old cousin who shared this bit of information with me last week. I asked her where she had heard about this as I'm a pretty avid Discovery channel fan and this was the first I had ever heard of these issues surrounding an alliagor's tongue. Her response was simple: My teacher told me. My first thought was wow, I went to school for quite a few years and none of my teachers had ever mentioned this fact. My second thought was man, how do alligators eat ice cream? My third thought was what would an alligator be doing with ice cream?

Although the alligator conversation with my cousin lasted only a few moments it reminded me of something Henry David Thoreau once said:

"Every man is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him."

My 4 year old cousin reminded me that I don't know as much as I think I do and that we can all learn from everyone if we take the time to listen. Thanks to my 4 year old cousin, in 2011 I resolve to talk less and listen more. Thanks cuz ;)

Happy Sunday, more randomness soon.

Garrick @ Senioritis

Friday, December 31, 2010

Senioritis On Goals

Is it more important to hit goals or to set goals? We have heard this question asked many times, so let's do a quick experiment (we love experiments).

Click the center of the target:

Try again:

Which was easier?

As important as it is for us to hit our goals it is more important for us to set them in the first place. As simple as that sounds and as silly as this experiment makes it seem, it's impossible to hit a target that isn't there.

We're just hours away from watching a big ball drop from the sky in Times Square, eating, kissing some loved ones, toasting to health, happiness, and success in the new year, and making some resolutions (not necessarily in that order of course). So, with that being said, in a last minute attempt to add some value to 2010 we give you our take on goals.


Far too often we find ourselves working towards fuzzy goals. We have done a bit of studying on the topic and no matter who the author or speaker is there's one common theme; goals need to be clearly defined. Experts on the subject* also recommend that goals are visible and written out several times daily.


We like to keep things simple so when it comes to goals we like to follow the acronym smac. No, not smack like Adam West as Batman popping the Joker in the face. This smac is a bit different but when used properly can pack just as big a punch ;)

SMAC is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, and challenging. Year after year, the most common goals and New Year's resolutions seem to center around health so let's take a quick look at how smac works using a health related goal.


I want to get in better shape in 2011.

When the clock strikes 12 and 2010 ends, millions of people will make this pledge. While better health is something we should all strive for, how specific is this goal?

If I lose 5 pounds will I be in better shape? Is it possible that I could gain 5 pounds and be in better shape (increase muscle mass and lower body fat)? While it's a great goal it lacks specificity.

A more clearly defined fitness goal could be something along the lines of: In 2011 I will lower my body fat percentage.


As mentioned above, it is very difficult to hit a goal that lacks specificity. 'Better shape' is not necessarily easy to quantify or measure; body fat percentage on the other hand is very easy to calculate and measure. It is easy for us to figure out our starting point and set a clearly defined goal.

A clearly defined fitness goal that is also measurable could be: In 2011 I will lower my body fat percentage to 10%.


When Tom Hopkins talks about goals he uses the approach better than your best but believable. We think that believable falls in line with the a of SMAC, attainable.

If our current body fat percentage was a great deal higher than 10%, setting this goal might not be attainable (for now); however, if our body fat percentage had been in the 10% range in the past and is now just slightly higher, this would be a great goal to shoot for.

Our clearly defined fitness goal that is measurable and attainable could be: In 2011 I will lower my body fat percentage to 10%.


Our goals should be attainable yet still challenging. We have often heard that goals should be set so that they are hit 50% of the time. Don't you feel great when you set a challenging goal and hit it?

As a wise dude named Michelangelo once said, "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." Thanks Michelangelo.

There we have it, our specific, measurable, attainable, challenging, fitness related goal for 2011 is: In 2011 I will lower my body fat percentage to 10%!


No, there's not a double C at the end of SMAC ;) We wanted to take a quick second though to stress the importance of celebrating your goals and your progress towards them.

Break your larger goals down into smaller goals; perhaps monthly, weekly, and even daily (for the bold out there), and be sure to celebrate when you have mini-successes that bring you closer to your larger goal!

We want to wish all of our readers a happy, healthy, and successful 2011. If you've already set some goals we would love to hear about them so don't hesitate to leave us a comment. One of our goals for 2011 is to include more business related posts on our blog but we'll get to the SMAC details after the ball drops ;)

*We at senioritis are not, nor do we pretend to be, experts on the subject(or any other subject for that matter). We do not play the role of 'goal experts' on tv but we have stayed at a Holiday Inn within the last 12 months ;)

Garrick @ Senioritis

Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White...

While we didn't quite have a white Christmas, we didn't have to wait too long for the snow to come. It started snowing a bit yesterday afternoon, and while I thought it was going to be just a quick flurry I was wrong. It snowed all day and well into the morning and we got a bit over a foot of snow. Enough of the rambling though, on to some pictures of the white stuff!

This is what it looked like when I went out this morning:

After about an hour of shoveling we got her to the top:

AWD & snow tires for the win! I don't think I'll ever get a car without all wheel drive. My sister's Subaru is an absolute beast in this weather ;)

For some reason this made me hugry:

Stay warm & enjoy the holiday season!

Garrick @ Senioritis