Sunday, December 26, 2010

Senioritis x Stoopher & Boots Photos

We just wanted to share some photos we snapped at the Senioritis x Stoopher & Boots event on 12.16. Thanks to everyone who was able to stop by!

You can check out all of the photos here. We hope you're all having an excellent holiday season; Happy Sunday ;)

Garrick @ Senioritis

Saturday, December 18, 2010

One small step for senioritis.

We are very pleased to announce that our Stars Stripes Space design has been chosen as a finalist in the NASA x Etsy Space Craft contest!

We'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who voted for our design and everyone who helped spread the word about the contest. You can check out all the sweet finalists here.

We'll keep everyone posted as we receive more info; just wanted to let you guys know that we're one step closer to making a giant leap ;) Have a great weekend!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Senioritis x Stoopher & Boots

We're excited to announce that this Thursday we will be teaming up with Stoopher & Boots to celebrate the holiday season! If you're in NYC and dig our style, or just need to do some last minute shopping, swing by and say hello ;) More event info can be seen here.

stoopher & boots

Garrick @ Senioritis

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


My Dell Inspiron laptop, which I do basically all of my work on, typically has a nice warm white light on the front when it's on or plugged in. Earlier this week I awoke to find a blinking red light where the warm white one usually is. At first I thought, 'Oh, that's pretty cool my computer knows it's holiday season. It must be blinking because it thinks it's getting new software or something.' Well, I powered on my laptop only to discover that the blinking red light was not a season's greeting but instead the indicator for a 'Permanent Battery Failure.'

Long story short(er), my computer doesn't recognize the battery and if the AC chord comes unplugged the computer turns off and all work is lost - ask me how I found that out ;) Dell recommends replacing the battery with a suitable Dell unit; which naturally can only be purchased through the Dell website. Dell will ship the replacement battery to my door for about $200.

So the question to you, our wonderful readers, is: Should I purchase a $200 battery from Dell or go with a more economical battery that doesn't carry the Dell name?

What woud senioritis readers do?

All input is appreciated ;)

Garrick @ Senioritis

Thursday, December 2, 2010

For the Benefit of All Man(be)kind

A while back we had mentioned creating a design for a NASA x Etsy Space Craft contest. Well, fast forward several weeks and we're excited to announce that our design, Stars Stripes Space, has made it into the voting round! We're very pleased to have our design among those selected and sitting alongside such cool work.

Our patriotic cmyk design pays tribute to NASA's successes and over five decades of stars, stripes, and space. If you dig our style or have dressed as an astronaut more than once on Halloween, we would love your support; so be kind and vote for us ;)

stars stripes space

You can vote for our design here; however, you must be an Etsy member to vote. Not an Etsy member? No worries, creating an account is quick and painless and can be done here.

Thanks a bunch, we appreciate your support in helping to send senioritis to space!

Garrick @ Senioritis