Sunday, June 6, 2010


This weekend the three of us over at Senioritis braved the heat and headed out to the 6th Annual Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn. McCarren Park in Williamsburg was chock full of etsy artists as well as other crafters from all over the country. We came across some fantastically creative designers, screen printers, clothiers, photographers, and jewelers, and even made a few purchases. Check out the super crazy neon t-shirt I scored from the great folks over at SEIBEI.

One of the neatest things about this fair, unlike most craft fairs I've attended, was the D-I-Y vibe. Jill made her own canvas tote, using some paint and these great nature-themed stencils. I (sticking with the neon theme) opted for the pre-made Etsy tote pictured below, featuring a shout out to etsy's newest office - in Germany!

The Fair provided a terrific way to check out what some of the most innovative artists across the country are creating this summer. If you missed it this time around, be sure to check out the Fair's website here to see when you can catch it next. And for those non-New Yorkers out there, the Fair also hits Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, so go try to sell your wares, make some friends, and have a blast with your fellow crafters!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Finds 6.4.10

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll! With the impending start of the World Cup, welcome to this week's soccer inspired segment of Friday Finds. We hope you enjoy our finds; have an awesome day!


Check out this awesome oil painting from hammerandfox. We like to think that this is how all of the World Cup athletes began their playing career. Please swing by Skye's Etsy shop to see some more of her great drawings and paintings.

coconut soccer

We've always found it interesting, for the most part, how sports brings people together. Despite whatever may be going on in their home country when athletes take the field all of that is typically put aside. We think that risamay's 'Peace Is The Goal' print rocks and is a great reminder of the unifying power of sports in our culture. To see more of Marisa's great work please visit her Etsy shop.

peace is the goal


Well, it's never too early to get started right? Get soccer in your little one's blood right away with this bird playing soccer print; it would be right at home in any nursery ;) Check out barkingbirdart's shop to see some more great prints and wall art for your nursery.

bird playing soccer


This week we pay tribute to South Africa's first elected President, Nelson Mandela. To see more of our tributes, including many other patriotic figures, please visit our Etsy shop. Ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, have a great weekend!

nelson mandela

Featured? Why not grab a banner?

Garrick @ Senioritis

Thursday, June 3, 2010

And the winner is...

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome friends, family, faculty members, and distinguished guests. First and foremost let us start by Sorry guys, wrong introduction :)

Let us start by saying a quick thanks to everyone who participated in our 'Who Inspires You?' quote contest. We appreciate the time you took out of your day to share with us some words of wisdom from those who inspire you. This was not an easy one to call. After hours of deliberation we have made our decision. Drumroll please...


The winner of our 'Who Inspires You?' quote contest is Christie Cottage! Christie's entry can be seen below:

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

-Mother Teresa

Congrats Christie, we're very excited to work on a Mother Teresa tribute for you! Just to give a quick recap, Christie will receive an 11x17" print as well as a bookmark based on a Mother Teresa design that she helps us create. The Mother Teresa design will then be added to the Limited Edition prints section of our shop where it will be available for purchase :)

Thanks once again to all who entered our contest. We appreciate your interest in our work and we enjoyed learning a little about who inspires you!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Featured Artist :: A Little Stranger

a little stranger

This week's featured artist is A Little Stranger!

A Little Stranger - Unique plushes and art by Holly Stanway

Senioritis: Name and location please.
ALittleStranger: Holly Stanway. London, UK.
Senioritis: Great, a new friend from across the Atlantic! Hi Holly!

Senioritis: Can you tell us a little about yourself Holly?
ALittleStranger: I’m a plush designer and model maker living in London, UK. I’ve been sewing, painting and generally doing things with my hands for as long as I can remember and decided very early on to make it my career. While at university studying foundation and art and model making I started to create plush toys as gifts for friends and eventually started selling them online via I’m now proud to be selling both my own work and that of other independent artists in the A Little Stranger shop.
Senioritis: Wow Holly that's great that you knew what you wanted to do from a young age. Your shop is filled with absolute awesomeness! We love your work as well as the other artists' lines that you carry, very sweet.

Senioritis: Holly, how would you describe your style to somebody who has never seen your work or heard about A Little Stranger?
ALittleStranger: Colourful, cute, charming, creepy.
Senioritis: How's that for alliteration ;) We would have to agree, as we browsed your shop we found plenty of work that falls into each category!

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite color Holly?
ALittleStranger: All of them! I like rainbows :)

applehead dunny cross stitch pattern

Senioritis: Are your a righty or a lefty?
ALittleStranger: Righty.
Senioritis: Hmm, initially we thought that we would find more lefty artists but based on our weekly interviews it seems to us that the vast majority of artists are righty, go figure.

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote Holly?
ALittleStranger: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss
Senioritis: Dr. Seuss knew what he was talking about.

kirby cross stitch cameo necklace

Senioritis: If you could have lunch with someone famous, past or present, who would it be?
ALittleStranger: David Bowie, but he'd have to be dressed as the Goblin King, and we'd have lunch in the glass ballroom bubble. After our fine feast he'd sing to me.
Senioritis: Now that's what we call a lunch! For those not familiar with the Goblin King.

Senioritis: What's your favorite cartoon, from now or when you were a kid?
ALittleStranger: Care Bears, I still love it now!

Senioritis: Not sure if it's true or not but we heard that there will be a new Care Bears to the Rescue movie coming out sometime this year (don't be mad at us if it's just a rumor :).

red chicken dragon

Senioritis: Where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years Holly?
ALittleStranger: As long as I'm stil happy, I'll be happy. I'd love to be working for myself on my own designs, and have more room to work, in a really beautiful studio space. And I'd have a lot more guinea pigs!
Senioritis: We think a beautiful studio space is something every designer would love to have!

snow bear

Senioritis: Are there any websites you'd like to share with us Holly?
ALittleStranger Shop

Senioritis: Any shoutouts?
ALittleStranger: My boyfriend & best friend Jonjo, who helps and supports me with everything I do. He puts order to my creative madness, ha!

Holly, thanks so much for introducing us to the world of A Little Stranger; we love your style and can't wait to see what's next. We wish you the best of luck and continued success!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Time to Wear White Pants

My apologies for the late post. It is certainly past my bedtime. I just returned to the big city from a fantastically relaxing and much-needed long weekend on Cape Cod. A few of my college friends go up there each summer to enjoy some serenity in our otherwise hectic lives. Needless to say, a weekend of relaxation means no television or internet; thus, I was unable to provide a proper weekend update this weekend. I will part with just few words this weekend, as we begin a short week here in the States and look forward to the start of what is sure to be a terrific summer.

Returning from vacation - even one as short as a long weekend - is never easy. Vacations are meant to revitalize us and make our usual over-scheduled lifestyles more bearable. While I am usually one for a sight-seeing-filled, active vacation, I am also a total sucker for weekends on the Cape. Not much beats long walks on the beach, night hours spent dining on home-cooked meals and playing board games, and the company of great friends. I urge those of you for whom a respite is a distant memory to take some time away from the television, internet, and blackberries, and give yourself a day or two to reacquaint yourself with the outdoors, a good book, or your friends and family.

Here's to a great start to the summer (and the week).