Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Featured Artist :: Handmade by Anne Potter

Handmade by Anne Potter - Cool stuff, awesome cause (I give 50% of all proceeds to missions)

Senioritis: We are thrilled to have you as this week's featured artist! Please introduce yourself.
Handmade by Anne Potter: I'm Anne Potter, from Champaign, IL, USA.

Senioritis: Welcome, Anne. Would you please give us a brief bio?
Handmade by Anne Potter: I’m a stay-at-home mom to five kids, ages 14,9,7,2,2. I’m from the Chicago area, and I’ve lived my whole life in sunny Illinois. I also live in a constant state of wanderlust and so many of my pieces are inspired by foreign cultures. I love to travel (when I can), play catch, look for interesting materials and I run (because I love to eat).
Senioritis: We love to play catch (though we New Yorkers say "have a catch") and eat, too! Your world culture-inspired pieces are terrific.

Senioritis: How would you describe your style?
Handmade by Anne Potter: creative, smart, scatter-brained, laffy

Senioritis: Favorite color, please.
Handmade by Anne Potter: Light coral red

Senioritis: Are you a righty or a lefty?
Handmade by Anne Potter: Righty

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote?
Handmade by Anne Potter: “You don’t have to be dumb to be happy, but it sure helps.” - My friend Karen’s grandmother, Virgil Leonard
Senioritis: That is a totally fantastic quote, Anne! Your friend Karen's grandmother deserves some major recognition for that.

Senioritis: If you could have lunch with someone famous, past or present, who would it be?
Handmade by Anne Potter: Off the top of my head, Andy Samberg from SNL. I like to be around funny people and he seems to be too silly to have that tortured-soul baggage that some funny people have.
Senioritis: We agree - Andy Samberg seems like a really fun guy to be around. We bet you wouldn't stop laughing throughout the entire lunch.

Senioritis: What's your favorite cartoon (from the present or when you were a kid)?
Handmade by Anne Potter: Calvin and Hobbes (Bill Watterson, where are you?!)

Senioritis: Wow, Calvin and Hobbes has been retired for a while now. What a great comic, though! And actually, we think G (the mad designtist) looked uncannily like Calvin when he was a child.

Senioritis: Anne, where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years?
Handmade by Anne Potter: Heading a (not-Martha) domestic empire: I have a resourceful approach to making pieces that combines repurposed and secondhand materials with creative technique. I plan to continue teaching creative seminars on this subject. I also plan to write and publish beautiful books (on knitting, quilting, needlepoint and home decor projects) and produce product lines. And I plan to keep selling pieces on etsy because I think it’s a great marketplace.
Senioritis: We think you have a great future, and we look forward to seeing your non-Martha empire take off. Keep creating and promoting great causes!

Senioritis: Before we let you go, is there anyone you'd like to mention?
Handmade by Anne Potter: All my beloved friends and family who have received so many tacky gifts from me in the past. Thanks to your graciousness (and some seriously regretful gifts), I have honed my skills.

We'd like to thank Anne for taking the time to teach us a bit about her handmade world. Be sure to check out her esty shop, Handmade by Anne Potter.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I see London, I see France, I see Auguste Rodin's Underpants

It was brought to my attention that we are featured on a French blog for our Auguste Rodin print. Rodin was a French sculptor who crafted "The Thinker."

The blog post is all in French so I can't understand a single word but I clicked on the English translator and it's pretty cool that our stuff is appreciated all over the world.

If you do speak/read/know French or can click the translator button, and would like to take a look at the feature here it is. Enjoy!

auguste rodin

Jusqu'au lundi prochain (Until next monday)!

Jill @ Senioritis

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Ahead

Spring is officially here, and it has brought terrific weather to New York City. Few things make me smile like a beautiful sunny spring day in NY, and such days are even better when they involve outdoor activities. Lucky for me, my firm's softball season is just around the corner! I recently took on the responsibility of designing the team uniform, and I think it turned out pretty great.

I had a very clear idea of what I wanted the shirt to look like from the beginning, so I sketched it out by hand first. But then I heard about this user-friendly t-shirt design website called I went to the site and saw this white shirt with the gold sleeves (exactly what I wanted). From there, it was really simple to add the text and graphics.

We don't order the shirts until later this week, so if anyone has suggestions for changing it up at all, feel free to share them. For now, I'm off to go enjoy the rest of this sunny spring day!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Finds 3.19.10

Happy Friday! Welcome to this week's segment of Friday Finds. We have found some sweet stuff to share with everyone as well as one of our newest Famous Seniors, so without further adue...

Kyuuto Kitsch

We came across Kyuuto Kitsch when searching for ninja items. Not only did we find a ninja but we found ourselves in a world of felt goodness and handmade geekery. To see more of Chloe's sweet work pay a visit to Kyuuto Kitsch's
Etsy shop.

felt ninja

happy sushi

scrabble nerd

felt ice cream

In Love And War

In Love And War is the latest in a long line of sweet illustrators that we have stumbled upon. Her mix of original photography with illustration and digital coloring is awesome. To see more of In Love And War's swing by her Etsy shop.

falling for ben

peeak a boo i'm going to eat you

bearded dreams

scraping the sky


Oompa Loompa doompadee doo, senioritis has a new tribute for you.

This week we are paying tibute to the man who brought us Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as well as many other literary classics, Roald Dahl. To see more of our tributes please visit our
Etsy shop.

Oompa Loompa doompadee dee, thanks so much for taking a peek.

roald dahl

Featured? Why not grab a banner?

Garrick @ Senioritis

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dawn Will Break Feature

The Famous Seniors have smiled upon us! Julie was kind enough to feature our shop on her blog today, thanks so much Julie ;) If your curiosity gets the better of you and you want to know a little more about senioritis please take a look.


Please pay a visit to Dawn Will Break's Etsy shop to check out some cool handmade jewelry and hair accessories.

Thanks again Julie!

Garrick @ Senioritis