Sunday, March 14, 2010

Everything That's Green

Because everyone likes to celebrate St. Patrick's Day a bit in advance (and because on Wednesdays we traditionally offer our Featured Artist Series), this weekend's update is a tribute to everything that's green. Enjoy!!

There's nothing like green hair to really show the holiday spirit! PaperMuse's sea goddess is certainly on to something.

In case you're wondering, green floral wall paper like this created by FlowerOfTheDead actually does exist! Our aunt has it. It's fantastic.

Even our electronic devices deserve to take part in the festivities. Check it out - TheFigLeaf has all different colors.

This is just great. We really like Sascalia's work!

We hope you enjoyed just some of the green gems our fellow etsy folk have to offer! Stay tuned for lots more to come this week!

Beth @ Senioritis

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Finds 3.11.10

Welcome to this week's segment of Friday Finds. This week we have found some colorful inspiration from the land of Etsy. We will also pay tribute to one of our newest Famous Seniors. Happy Friday!


Summed up in a single word, joelquiggle's work is awesome! The first piece of his we came across was Robot Party (pictured below). His Limited Edition offerings are great and feature some sweet color work. To see more of joelquiggle's work check him out on

adam and eve

robot party




We stumbled across mattcrump's work earlier this week while looking for some cartoon illustrations. His fresh style and use of bright colors immediately caught our attention. To see more of mattcrump's style pop by his
Etsy shop or his site.

fractal ghost surprises the town

getting out of bed

in the playpen

battle of the green hand


We love vinyl and we're always on the lookout for some trick one off customs. We came across audreypongracz's custom munny and were absolutely blown away. The awesome colors and intricate details are simply amazing. To make things even better we discovered that she has an Etsy shop showcasing some more of her work in other mediums. To see more of her work please visit her Etsy shop or her site.

custom munny


"I once shot an elephant in my pajamas, how he got in my pajamas I'll never know." This week we are paying tribute to a man who added some color to the lives of many through his comedy, Groucho Marx. To see more of our tributes please visit our Etsy shop. Thanks for taking a look.

groucho marx

Featured? Why not grab a banner?

Garrick @ Senioritis

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Featured Artist :: WingAndWillow


This week’s featured artist is WingAndWillow!

WingandWillow – Unique Laminated Placemats and Fine Photographic Prints

Senioritis: What’s your name, and where are you located?

WingandWillow: Elisa Kerkhoff, St. Louis, MO
Senioritis: Missouri, that’s great. I’ve always wondered why Missouri was abbreviated to MO.

Senioritis: Can you give us a brief bio, please?
WingandWillow: I am a recently engaged 32 year old lover of nature, traveling, textures, animals, great food, baking, and a strong cup of coffee! I’m an Ohio native, but I’ve also lived in Michigan, Florida, and Missouri. I adore photographing nature – especially birds and tree bark. I hold a Bachelor’s in Vocal Performance with a Minor in Art from Western Michigan University.
Senioritis: Wow you’ve lived in a lot of places! We have a lot in common also! I too love nature and photograph it often. I also sing in an a cappella group at school.

Senioritis: Please list four adjectives to describe your style.
WingandWillow: Imaginative, Functional, Sincere, Zoological.

peacock print

Senioritis: What is your favorite color?
WingandWillow: Silver

Senioritis: Are you a righty or a lefty?
WingandWillow: Righty

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote?
WingandWillow: “One Regret, dear world,
That I am determined not to have
When I am lying on my deathbed
Is that
I did not kiss you enough.”
~Hafiz~ b. 1320 d. 1389 – Beloved Persian Poet

Senioritis: That’s a pretty powerful quote. We had to do some digging to find information on Hafiz, but it seems his poetry had a large influence on a great number of people.


Senioritis: If you could have lunch with any famous person, past or present, who would it be?

WingandWillow: I would love to have lunch with W.C. Fields. He’s my great great great uncle, and I’d like to try to discover what was going on in that crazy head of his!
Senioritis: Great choice, he was a juggler as well!

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite cartoon?

WingandWillow: Animaniacs
Senioritis: We love that cartoon! I can still sing every word of the theme song.

meadow placemat

Senioritis: Where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years?

WingandWillow: I can definitely see myself having kiddos, and hopefully selling the crap out of my placemats - I'm hoping to create many more designs in that amount of time as well =)
Senioritis: After looking at your work we have no doubt that you can make that happen. Best of luck with your placemat and photograph business!

Senioritis: Where can we find you on the web Elisa?

WingandWillow: My website and my facebook fan page.

bird on a branch

Senioritis: Before we wrap up, would you like to give any shoutouts?
WingandWillow: My family and friends are a constant inspiration to me - their support and love keep me going!

We'd like to say a huge thank you to Elisa for giving us a glimpse into her business. Be sure to visit her Etsy shop for more cool prints and placemats!

Jill @ Senioritis

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One Fix Two Fix, Red Fix Blue Fix :: A Picasa Tutorial

Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Unfortunately, sometimes our pictures don't say the words we would like them to ;) Even with autofocus, autocolor, and various other automatic settings selected, it's still possible to snap a picture that's not really what we were looking for. Often times we don't realize this until we upload our photos to our computer; ask us how we know that one ;)

In this tutorial we're going to take a quick look at how to touch up a photo with Picasa free photo editing software from Google. If you would like to follow along but don't have Picasa feel free to download it here.

If you have just downloaded Picasa (this was our first time using it as well), when you open it for the first time it will do a quick scan of your computer to find pictures you already have. This may take a few minutes depending on how many pictures you have stored on your computer.

Choose Photo

After Picasa has loaded all of your images choose a file that you would like to work with, or you can use ours (just right click save). We decided to go with a picture of our Dr. Seuss print; despite the fact that we were using a good digital camera with autosettings selected the picture came out crooked and dark. We will walk through how we fix this step by step. Just click on the pictures as we go to make them bigger ;)

Open Photo

If this is your first time in Picasa just double click the file you would like to work with to open it. Once the file is open you will see a few things. On the left side you will see your basic editing controls where we can make basic fixes, more specific tuning, and add effects. On the bottom of the window you will see print, export, email options as well as a pretty cool blog this feature.

You will notice that our photo is a bit on the dark side and it's crooked.

open photo

The first thing we want to do is straighten the good doctor out. We clicked on the straighten tool on the basic fixes tab and this brings up a slider to adjust our image.


Use the slider below the photo to adjust it until it is straight, or as close to straight as you want it to be :) After some quick tweeking our photo is now straight:


We now want to take a look at adjusting the color. We think adjusting color boils down to personal preference; some people like their images to be highly saturated with very bright colors while others prefer softer looks or even black and white. Picasa offers a lot of color options so experiment a bit, have some fun, and see which settings you like best.

We are going to go with the feeling lucky settings to get things rolling. Just click the feeling lucky tool on the basic fixes tab and Picasa will make some changes. If you don't like the changes just click the Undo I'm Feeling Lucky button on the left. The feeling lucky changes look like a step in the right direction so we're gonna keep them and further tweek the colors with the Tuning options (the middle tab on the left).

feeling lucky

We are making the following adjustments to the Fill Light (25%), Highlights (10%), and Shadows (20%) sliders. These are rough values that we used but feel free to use which ever values you like. These adjustments darkened up the blacks and made the colors in the print pop a little more:

after tuning

Now let's see what the effects tab has to offer. The effects tab contains a bunch of great effects that are all as simple as the click of a button. We're going with the focal black and white effect which turns the image black and white except for a focal point which remains in color. This effect really softened up the background of our photo further emphasizing our print:

focal b&w

The photo is definitely moving in the right direction but we want to bump the colors up just a little bit. To make the colors brighter we're going to use the saturation tool on the effects tab, we used a setting of about 10% but again play with the settings to find what you like.

after saturation

At this point things are looking pretty good so time to start wrapping things up. The first thing to do is crop your image. We're using the manual crop tool on the basic fixes tab.

crop settings

Cropping allows you to center your image or remove any unwanted parts of the image background. After cropping our image this is what we are left with:

after crop

Lastly we want to save our file (we typically save throughout the entire creating/editing process) and add some tags. Since Picasa is a photo organizer as well as a photo editor if we add tags at this point we can then search for them and make albums of items with similar tags later on. Tagging at this point is probably a good idea if you plan on uploading your images to the web too.

save and tag

A quick before and after just to recap:

before and after

Now using the image we just created we can make a brightly colored Dr. Seuss polaroid:

Dr. Seuss polaroid

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that it was somewhat helpful. If you have any questions just let us know in the comments section and we will be sure to get back to you. We are currently working on a tutorial to remove an image's background using Gimp. If there's anything else you would like to see covered just leave a comment and we'll see if we can make it happen. Have a senioritis day!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Monday, March 8, 2010

Parade Day

First off sorry this post is a bit later that they usually are. I have no good excuse, but I do have a sweet topic this week and some great pictures so you can re-live the excitement.

Parade Day. The first Saturday in March each year Binghamton devotes the day to drinking and dancing in the streetswhile everyone wears green. It is our annual St. Patrick's Day celebration, just two weeks early. Why celebrate so early you might ask? I too thought this was an odd phenomena until I experienced the festivities. Apparently we celebrate early here because the NYC bagpipers use this parade as practice for the one in NYC that takes place on the real St. Patty's Day. This year the parade was better than previous years however because therre was not just one band of bagpipe(rs?) but two!


nyc bagpipes

I was actaully suprised at how successful the parade was. It had a great turnout of both college students and community members as well. It was a gorgeous day, the first Binghamton has seen since the end of October. I was impressed with how far people traveled to be a part of the parade, the NYPD and NYFD had a great showing that included people from as far away as New York City. They were all in good spirit and seemed to be enjoying themselves.


I wish I could pick out a favorite part of the day but there are two things that stick out in my mind. The first was that all the floats in the parade were being pulled by John Deere tractors. I thought that nowhere but upstate New York could this be a normal part of a parade. Where I grew up I didn't see many tractors let alone as part of a celebration. They just looked weird and out of place to me.


Another great part of the parade was the green trolley cart titled "Sweet Carry Line." This car immediately brought to mind the song Sweet Caroline and put me into the spirit of the day.

sweet carry line

As usual stay lazy and keep up the procrastination.

Jill @ Senioritis