Sunday, March 7, 2010

Color Wanted

As spring approaches, the flowers start to bloom, and I begin to crave more color in my life. My wardrobe is sufficiently colorful, and I have plenty of fun art hanging in my apartment.


vintage poster

My place has great high ceilings and lots of light; but, as with most rental homes, my walls are a shade of brilliant white that is both impossible to keep clean and lacking in fun.

Thus, I have decided to paint one (or several) of my walls. I'm having trouble deciding which color to go with. I have some red accents in my apartment already, so while red is one of the best accent wall colors, I don't think it'd look right.


I'm thinking of possibly a yellow or maybe even a blue. If any of you have any ideas or have gone through the painting process before, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Finds 3.05.10

Welcome to this week's segment of Friday Finds. This week our senioritis has turned into a case of Aliceitis, we're all mad here! We have found several artists who pay homage to Alice while we pay tribute to the Famous Senior who introduced all of us the world of Wonderland. Happy Friday!


The first Sandygrafik's piece that we saw was actually a Little Prince tribute so we were pleasantly surprised to find that she also has a line of prints inspired by Tim Burton's Alice. We really like Sandygrafik's illustrations; her use of color as well as light and darkness, they most definitely have a magical feel. To see more of Sandygrafik's work check out her Etsy shop or her blog.


madame cupcake

japanese sakura girl

lady hatter

Dollface Lala

Guess you could say that Dollface Lala's big eyed art caught our eye ;) Dollface Lala's Alice sports her signature big eyed style and seems to make us wonder what mischief is to come. To see more of Dollface Lala's cool style be sure to stop by her Etsy shop or her blog.


ninja kitty

wonder la la

my favorite hat

Camille Rose Garcia

We heard about Camille Rose Garcia's illustrated version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland probably about a month ago. Last week while running through a Borders we finally saw the book on display and had to stop to take a peek, wow! We thought the illustrations in this version are wild; a little crazy, a little dark, perfect Wonderland. For more info on Camille Rose Garcia's new illustrated version of Lewis Carroll's classic pop by her site.

alice's adventures in wonderland


Lastly, our tribute to Alice and the genius that was Lewis Carroll. To see more of our tributes please visit our Etsy shop. Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting! We'll see you next Friday for some more Friday Finds.

lewis carroll

Featured? Why not grab a banner?

Garrick @ Senioritis

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Etsy in French? Yes, svp.

The Famous Seniors have smiled upon us; we just got word that we will be featured on a French blog. Since the only French we know is French fries and French toast we have been paired up with an awesome translator, Karianne of studio karius de parius. Thanks so much Karianne, your work is awesome and your French is a bit better than ours ;) Karianne's style is sweet, to check out some of her work please visit her Etsy shop.

karius de parius studio

Garrick @ Senioritis

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Featured Artist :: Jewelry by Tara

Jewelry by Tara

This week's featured artist is Jewelry by Tara!

Jewelry by Tara - Unique Handcrafted Jewelry With a Vintage Twist

Senioritis: What’s your name, and where are you located?
Jewelry by Tara: Tara Van Stelle, San Diego, CA
Senioritis: San Diego, awesome, we love San Diego!

Senioritis: Can you give us a brief bio, please?
Jewelry by Tara: I have been selling online/offline for almost 11 years at craft fairs, in all 4 of my Etsy shops; Jewelry by Tara, Graphic Design by Tara, Supplies by Tara, Sewn by Tara, 2 eBay shops, and my own personal website. At this time only the Jewelry and Graphic Design shops are open. I have a certificate in antiques/vintage appraisal and I am currently taking classes in advanced Graphic Design.
I was born and raised in New York City and transplanted to sunny California. When I'm not creating I am a WAHM, wife of 14 years,mother of 2 boys and 4 rescue chihuahuas, and a vegan. I also volunteer for Jewish Family Services to visit the elderly.
Senioritis: Ah a native New Yorker, excellent! It sounds like you certainly have your hands full with 2 boys and 4 chihuahuas running around; it's great that you find the time to do all your crafting and run all your shops/sites.

Senioritis: Tara, you have over a decade of experience selling your work both online and in person. How would you describe your style to someone you just met if you only had a few words?
Jewelry by Tara: pretty,shabby,altered,Kawaii
Senioritis: We had to look up Kawaii but now that we know what it means we agree 100% =)

retro alice in wonderland necklace

Senioritis: What’s your favorite color?
Jewelry by Tara: Pink.
Senioritis: We did notice that there's quite a bit of pink in your shop banners and on your site ;)

Senioritis: Are you a righty or a lefty?
Jewelry by Tara: All righty.

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote?
Jewelry by Tara: "If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it!" I have no idea who coined this one but it's so darn true, especially when creating, you have to know when to stop!
Senioritis: We have no idea who said it either but they're definitely words to keep in mind as we create. We rather not talk about the number of times that we try to tweek a design and hours later we ultimately just go with our original idea :0

kokeshi doll geisha necklace

Senioritis: If you could have lunch with any famous person, past or present, who would it be?
Jewelry by Tara: Hmmm, well I don't have a famous historical or political figure in mind. I suppose I'd like to have a few choice words with Hitler ending in an arsenic dessert... But if I had to choose from one of my favorite people I'd really like to eat lunch with either Morrissey from The Smiths or James Masters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Strange I know, but these are the people I grew up with and love.
Senioritis: Man, we haven't seen Buffy in ages. We kind of liked the movie better than the tv series, probably because Paul Reubens was in it ;)

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite cartoon?
Jewelry by Tara: I love Scooby Doo forever! My kids and I still watch all the new movies that come out with the characters. I also love Sponge Bob, The Grim Adventure's of Billy and Mandy, Dexter's Laboratory, and the adult ones; Family Guy and Simpsons.
Senioritis: Wow, can't believe we found another Billy and Mandy fan!! That has to be one of the greatest cartoons ever made, Maxwell Atoms' work rocks. Dexter's Laboratory is awesome and Scooby Doo is a classic as well; great selections all around! For those of you that have not been privileged enough to witness Billy and Mandy first hand, you can check them out here.

20000 leagues under the sea earrings

Senioritis: Tara, where do you see yourself and your empire in ten years?
Jewelry by Tara: I've always wanted to own my own "handmade" brick and mortar shop so I'm hoping to see that dream come true. I'd like to keep learning and advancing in all the creative fields; graphic design, jewelry, writing, etc.
Senioritis: After viewing your work across various mediums and talking with you for a while we have no doubts that you can make it happen. Best of luck with your brick and mortar shop!

Senioritis: Where can we find you on the web?
Jewelry by Tara: Graphic Design by Tara
Jewelry by Tara
Graphic Design by Tara Blog
Jewelry by Tara Biz Blog

brighter than sunshine ring

Senioritis: Before we wrap up, would you like to give any shoutouts?
Jewelry by Tara: So many people have supported me on and off Etsy. I'd love to thank everyone personally, here are a couple my closest online friends:
The Juicy Peach aka Crescent Moon Creation
Mangogyrl Design

We’d like to give a huge thank you to Tara for giving us a glimpse into her empire. Please check out her fantastic jewelry work at her Etsy shop. Please take a look at Tara's design work and services as well, Graphic Design by Tara.

Stay tuned for another Featured Artist interview next Wednesday!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Monday, March 1, 2010


I go to school in Binghamton New York. It is a place where the sun shines for the first week of classes in August and the last week of classes in May. For the rest of the year the skies are a shade of gray accompanied by either rain or snow depending on the temperature. While this weather may depress some, I find odd comfort in the fact that I never have to check the weather because I always know what the appropriate attire is. It also helps that my car is a beast and can handle whatever the weather gods throw at me.

Last Wednesday Bing got hit by a pretty bad snow storm that continued into Thursday and most of Friday. According to the local police department the roads weren't bad enough to cancel classes prior to 1pm either of these days but they were in bad enough condition to cancel the off campus community transport buses. The roads were also bad enough to issue community wide warnings about not traveling later that night. Incidentally, these blue buses provide a large percentage of students living off campus with rides to and from school. It amazes me that the geniuses running this institution of higher learning still held classes even though more than half the student population could not get to campus either because they take the bus or because they couldn't get their cars out from behind the snow drifts. Thankfully, I drive a 2004 Subaru Forrester, and as I said before my car is a beast so I was able to power through the snow and make it to my aerobics class where only five out of thirty of us showed up.

My housemates with their inferior cars were not even able to get out of the driveway and much to their dismay had to miss all of their classes. Luckily I had no classes friday and so I was able to hang out with my housemates and join the rotation of shoveling the sidewalk in front of our house even though it proved to be a fruitless venture. I would shovel the walkway only to come back 15 minutes later and have the path completely covered again. While frustrating shoveling did prove to be a great workout leaving by arms, shoulders, and back sore for most of the weekend.

As always in Binghamton there is more work to be done. My driveway still has three feet of snow the entire length of it that needs to be removed before anyone else can get in or out. I am afraid that I am much too lazy however and so the cars will remain there until the snow melts, or my housemates shovel out their cars.

As per usual readers, stay lazy and enjoy your Monday.

Jill @ Senioritis