This week's featured artist is Stormone Originals!
Stormone Originals - Everything in your life should be Original, Unique like the Perfect Storm.
Senioritis: Name and location please.
Stormone Originals: AJ in Oakland, CA
Senioritis: What's up AJ! Are you an Athletics fan or do you prefer one of the other teams out in Cali?
Senioritis: Can you tell us a little about yourself AJ?
Stormone Originals: I'm a traditionally trained painter and printmaker who decided to try my hand at tie-dye, batik, and textile stamping.
Senioritis: Sweet AJ, all of your work looks great! Is there one medium you prefer working in over the others?
Senioritis: Marlon Brando: Streetcar Named Desire or the Godfather?
Stormone Originals: The Godfather!

Senioritis: How would you describe your style AJ?
Stormone Originals: Fun, colorful, easy, and inclusive.
Senioritis: What would you say is the best business tip you have ever received and who gave it to you?
Stormone Originals: Market, market, advertise and market some more!!! Gary Penders the former Director at my day job!
Senioritis: Good tip! As Cyrus McCormick reminds us, it doesn't matter how good our product or service is if nobody knows about it.

Senioritis: What would you say is your favorite sport to either watch or play AJ?
Stormone Originals: Track & field with American football getting a close second.
Senioritis: Both are great sports; I love watching the track & field events during the Olympics!
Senioritis: Chevy Chase: Fletch or Three Amigos
Stormone Originals: Fletch for sure!
Senioritis: Fletch is definitely on my favorites list, Fletch Lives is phenomenal as well!
Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote AJ?
Stormone Originals: "Everything is all fun and games till somebody puts an eye out!" Mom
Senioritis: Hmm, I think our mom has told us that one several times as well ;)

Senioritis: If you could jump in the DeLorean and go back in time; what’s one thing you would do differently in your business?
Stormone Originals: I would build up a larger cache of inventory before opening an online shop.
Senioritis: Good point AJ! Having lots of options for people shopping in an online environment is definitely important. If our online shops only have a handful of items for shoppers to look at it's easy for them to take a quick glance and move on.
Senioritis: If the $100 bill needed a redesign, who would you put on it?
Stormone Originals: Lewis Latimer because he was instrumental in Thomas Edison creating the light bulb and was the draftsman for Alexander Graham Bell's inventions as well. He is not very well known and has not been given the credit he deserves as an inventor.
Senioritis: Unfortunately we don't have much pull with the folks who design US currency but a Famous Seniors tribute may be in order for Mr. Latimer ;)
Senioritis: Where can we find you on the web AJ?
Stormone Originals: stormone.etsy.com, my blog, my facebook fan page and my team blog, Etsy Artists of Color.

Senioritis: James Bond: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, or Daniel Craig?
Stormone Originals: Is there any contest? Sean Connery baby! Me loves some Sean Connery!!
Senioritis: And Mr. Connery is now leading 3-1! Do any of the other Bonds have a chance? Luckily we've learned to never count out a 007. Tune in next week, same senioritis time same senioritis place, to see if anyone can make up some ground or if Mr. Connery will pull further ahead ;)
Senioritis: Any shoutouts?
Stormone Originals: Shoutout to all the Etsy forums folks who post in ETC.!!!
All the Etsy Team Members in EAOC! Etsy Artists of Color!
Of course a shoutout to the Minnesota Vikings!!!!!! Bleed Purple!
Thanks a bunch AJ! We appreciate you taking the time to let our readers know a bit more about the great artist behind Stormone Originals; keep up the cool work!