Showing posts with label senior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label senior. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Beginning of the End.

As the final semester of my undergrad career begins I can't help but feel the bittersweet feeling of a chapter of my life coming to an end. When I began freshman year I didn't think I would ever be ready to leave this college behind, but the closer I get the more excited I become to get out in the real world. I imagine this anxious feeling is because I, unlike so many of my friends know exactly what I am doing after graduation. I will be attending law school for the next three years. While it is not exactly the end of my education and the beginning of a career, it will mark a new experience and a change from my current lifestyle.

As excited as I am to move on with my life, I will be sad to leave this place behind. I live with five of my closest friends and it will be a hard adjustment to not come home to them after a hard day of classes next year. I am used to Binghamton and all it has to offer. Throughout my years here I have been able to take part in tons of activities and events that I'm not sure will be available to me in law school. I often wonder if I will be able to handle the work load of graduate school as my senioritis sets in and I have more motivation to lay in my bed all day than to do any sort of school work.

Alas, I must start some of that homework now if I have any chance of making the midnight deadline.

To all you readers out there, stay lazy.