Showing posts with label one of a kind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one of a kind. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The OOAK Tree

Once upon a time in a land far, far, far away, there stood a ginormous ooak tree...

At this point you may be asking, what's an ooak tree?

Well, that's the same question I asked when we first joined Etsy. Until joining the Etsy community I had never really heard the term ooak before. I had heard of pine trees, maple trees, even ooak's close relatives, oak trees, but I had never heard of ooak trees. I often found myself vexed looking at items described as ooak and trying to find the wood in the photos. Then one day the clouds of ignorance parted and I came to learn that ooak is not a type of tree at all but instead is an acronym standing for One Of A Kind.

This past weekend we had the opportunity to further immerse ourselves in one of a kind culture and check out the OOAK show in NYC. The show was very cool and had a wide variety of work on display. We'd like to give a quick shoutout to the folks over at Etsy for hooking us up with some free tickets (which were greatly appreciated).

We had a chance to talk to several artists and spotted a number of Etsians including Coy Clothes and Rebound Designs.

My sister picked up the coolest item of the day, a very sweet repurposed coat that I can best describe as a collabo between Hugh Hefner and the Corpse Bride. The jacket itself looks like it jumped out of a Ralph Lauren catalog from the 1970s and it has a bunch of really cool, brightly colored items sewn all over it. Words can not do this coat justice so I'll try to get my sister to post some pictures.

At the end of the day we had a chance to swing by the Etsy booth to shake a few hands, enter a raffle, make a button, and pick up a sweet calendar ;)

OOAK will still be in town next week from Thursday-Sunday so if you're in the area and looking for something to do go check it out. For more info on the event check out the OOAK site.

Happy Sunday, we hope you had a great weekend!

Garrick @ Senioritis

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Finds 5.14.10

Well, after a brief hiatus, welcome back to Friday Finds. I was dusting off my vinyl collection today when I had a bit of an A-Ha moment (not the Take On Me guys). I said to myself, self, let's see what vinyl we can find from our friends on Etsy. Here's a few of my favorites, hope you enjoy ;)


To see more of vmgceramic's work please check out her Etsy shop.

badtz maru

sugar bunny skully

miao & mousubi

silver baby tiger


i think it turned black


To see more of BananaFairy59's work swing by her Etsy shop.

creature from the black lagoon


phantom of the opera

the mummy


If there was a Famous Senior that we would want to immortalize in vinyl it would definitely be this dude, Albert Einstein we salute you. To see more of our tributes please visit our Etsy shop.

albert einstein

Featured? Why not grab a banner?

Garrick @ Senioritis