This week's featured artist is jessiemacCreations!
jessiemacCreations - Specializing in Whimsical Paper Goodies & More.
Senioritis: Name and location please.
jessiemacCreations: Jessica Allen, South Jersey.
Senioritis: Hello Jessica!
Senioritis: Can you please tell us a little about yourself?
jessiemacCreations: I have been scrapbooking since my daughter was born 12 years ago. I love working with paper goods and letting the creativity flow! Recently I recruited my husband into the paper goodies business and we now work together making paper treats for all occasions! This is our second business venture together; our first is a passion all it's own....We do custom aquariums full time and paper fun part time.
Senioritis: Wow, that's awesome that you guys get to work together in 2 different businesses that you are so passionate about; that's pretty rare in today's society. We had a chance to check out your custom aquariums site, very cool work. Is your daughter a crafter or does she prefer the fish?
Senioritis: How would you describe your style?
jessiemacCreations: Shabby Chic, Nautical, Nostalgic, Whimsical.
Senioritis: That sounds good to us!
Senioritis: Do you have a favorite color Jessica?
jessiemacCreations: Blue.
Senioritis: Are your a righty or a lefty?
jessiemacCreations: Righty.
Senioritis: Hmm...another righty. Is your husband or daughter a lefty by any chance?
Senioritis: Jessica, do you have a favorite quote?
jessiemacCreations: "You're Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been" - George Eliot
Senioritis: Wow, awesome quote; great words to remember.
Senioritis: If you could have lunch with someone famous, past or present, who would it be?
jessiemacCreations: John Lennon. Not only am I a fan but I'd also like to pick his brain about what it's like to transcend an entire genre and change how the world looks at something.
Senioritis: We would be very interested to hear what Lennon has to say as well.
Senioritis: What's your favorite cartoon, from now or when you were a kid?
jessiemacCreations: Spongebob (sad I know).
Senioritis: Hmm, maybe the interest in Spongebob stems from your passion for aqauriums; Patrick makes me laugh ;)
Senioritis: Jessica, where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years?
jessiemacCreations: Booming! We are in the infancy stages of our second business and we feel that we already have a steady following. If we continue to enrich past experiences and tap into our inner whimsy, we will be well on our way to great success.
Senioritis: Awesome! That's great that you and your husband have the opportunity to apply lessons learned from your first business to your handmade business. It's great to hear that you have already developed a following as well ;)
Senioritis: Are there any websites you'd like to share with us?
jessiemacCreations: Etsy shop
Our new blog
Our facebook fan page
Thanks for giving us a glimpse into the world of jessiemacCreations Jessica! We think it's awesome that you have not one but two family businesses; keep up the great work!