While I do have my degree in Environmental Policy and Law, a perfect background for this job, I am surprised with the amount of resposibility I have been given. I am not only in charge of several projects, but I have been asked my opinion on things many a time. It seems that my education has prepared me well for my future. I was terrified to enter the workplace, being so young and the only person there straight out of college. It seems however, that my youthfulness has put me at an advantage, I am pretty up to date on the current laws and regualtions and have learned about the newest technologies and mitigation methods. It also helps that I am a master at google ;-).
While the job is a once in a lifetime experience, I must admit that I am not a fan of the set schedule, or perhaps I just need to get used to it. While at school I was able to come and go as I please and do everything on my own time schedule, there was no due date or time, but rahter I got things done at my leisure. The real world, I am learning doesn't seem to work that way. But, if this is my biggest complaint about my new summer job than I guess I am in good shape.
Unfortunately, it is pretty much my bedtime since I now need to be up at 6 to make it to work by 8. Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer and getting a little more lazy with the heat.