Showing posts with label cartoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartoon. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Featured Artist :: Skribbly Kids

We are very pleased to say that this week marks our first in a weekly installment of featured artist interviews. You'll notice that this isn't your typical interview, it's an interview with a senioritis twist. Since we know you're already on the edge of your chair in anticipation, let's jump right into our interview:

This week's featured artist is Skribbly Kids!

Skribbly Kids - Oh-So-Cute Character Design

Senioritis: Name & location please.
Skribbly Kids: Joanna Goldman, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Senioritis: Joanna, can you give us a brief bio please?
Skribbly Kids: Visual FX artist by day, cartoony craftswoman by night! I have been drawing ever since I was a little kid. My style is a result of a fine arts, animation, and film background.
Senioritis: Very cool!

Senioritis: Joanna, you mention that your style is influenced by your background in fine arts, animation, and film. How would you describe Skibbly Kids' style in a few words?
Skribbly Kids: Cute Cartoons with Big Eyes.

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite color?
Skribbly Kids: Blue.

Senioritis: Are you a righty or a lefty?
Skribbly Kids: Righty.

Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote?
Skribbly Kids: Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film. – Steven Wright
Senioritis: Hahahaha ,that's phenomenal. We've never heard that one before.

Senioritis: If you could have lunch with someone famous, past or present, who would it be?
Skribbly Kids: I would love to have lunch with Spike Jonze. I feel like every movie he works on is so different, yet so genius! I’d love to pick his brain and find out a little bit about his process of working.
Senioritis: Very cool, we haven't seen many of Jonze's movies but we can't wait to see Where The Wild Things Are.

Senioritis: Joanna, do you have a favorite cartoon?
Skribbly Kids: Hard question! When I was a kid it would have to be Duck Tales. Now I think it would be Triplets of Belleville.
Senioritis: Life is like a hurricaaaaane here in Duckburg ;) Duck Tales was an excellent cartoon, Triplets of Belleville is very good too!

Senioritis: Where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years?
Skribbly Kids: I’d like to still be creating different characters to put on greeting cards. I’d like these cards to be in stores all across the world. Ultimately I would love to live off of creating characters.
Senioritis: That sounds great to us. Based on the items in your shop and your creative style we think that goal is very attainable.

Senioritis: Where can we find you on the web?
Skribbly Kids:
My blog with new (and sometimes experimental) doodles:
My personal site: where you can find my day job show reel.
Senioritis: Wow, your show reel is one of the coolest things we have seen in a long time. Awesome stuff and we absolutely love the Bitter Sweet song.
Senioritis: Before we let you go, would you like to give any shoutouts?
Skribbly Kids: I’d like to thank my mom for putting a pencil in my hand at a very young age! Here’s her artwork:
Senioritis: Now we see where you get some of your talent from :) Your mom's work is great, we especially like her landscapes and her watercolor painting of you surfing!

We would like to thank Joanna for giving us a little more insight into the world of Skribbly Kids. Please visit Skribbly Kids' shop on Etsy and take a look around

We will be interviewing another featured artist next Wednesday so stay tuned. If you can't wait until then to get your next dose of senioritis features please feel free to check back on Friday for our Friday Finds. Have a senioritis day!