-Margaret Mead
Those are some pretty powerful words. Words like these are at the center of the Embracing Our Differences art exhibit.
This past week we had the opportunity to check out the Embracing Our Differences Long Island art exhibit. Embracing Our Differences is an outdoor art exhibition celebrating diversity. The Long Island exhibit was put together by the Suffolk Center on the Holocaust, Diversity & Human Understanding.

The art exhibition, together with related activities and events, is intended to demonstrate, in a positive way, that diversity enriches our lives and that active rejection of prejudice and hatred enhances our own freedom.
The exhibit featured about 25 or so designs that were displayed as 12x16' billboards. Each piece of work contained a message focused on subjects such as diversity, unity, acceptance, coexistence, peace, and togetherness. Works on display were done by students, amateurs, and professional artists.

We are very excited and pleased to announce that one of our designs, 'The Same But Different', was part of the exhibit. Sticking with our Famous Seniors theme, our colorful graffiti inspired design pays tribute to Dr. King, Evita, Gandhi, & Mother Teresa; four people who actively encouraged the rejection of prejudice and hate during their lifetimes.

It was a blast checking out all of the designs and it’s always fun seeing different takes on a common theme. While taking a look at the designs was cool, the true highlight of the day was a brief talk about prejudice and acceptance from Holocaust survivor Werner Reich. Mr. Reich spoke about some of his personal experiences and raised the point that hatred is a feeling that has no bounds; the only cure for hatred is the complete elimination of the feeling.

The exhibit will be on display at the Grant Campus of Suffolk County Community College thru 10.31.10. The exhibit will then travel around a bit and will be on display at various events.
We would like to congratulate all artists that were part of the exhibit and we invite all of our readers to check out photos of the event. We would love to hear about which designs move you and which are your favorites.
In addition, there is currently an open call to artists for the 2011 Embracing Our Differences exhibit in Florida; for more info about the exhibit and entry process click here.
Men and women, young and old, black, white, red, brown, and yellow; varied people, cultures, and perspectives throughout the world. People - the same but different.