This week's featured artist is Emily Finan Art & Illustration!
Senioritis: Name and location please.
Emily Finan: Emily Finan and I live just outside of Detroit, Michigan.
Senioritis: Hey Emily!
Senioritis: Can you tell us a little about yourself Emily?
Emily Finan: I'm a 20-something artist, art student, and teacher from Detroit, Michigan. I'm working on a degree in studio art as well as art education; and I spend all my free time drawing, painting, and playing with my puppy Vinnie. Lately I have been working on a series of drawings inspired by old photographs of little Victorian girls. After working with a fantastic print house I'm excited to be offering prints in my Etsy shop.
Senioritis: Very cool, what type od dog is Vinnie? Your Victorian inspired drawings are great. We especially like the way you can see the textures on the bows, clothing and accessories. It's as if a real bow is placed on the drawing, sweet work.
Senioritis: Curious George or Cat in the Hat?
Emily Finan: Book wise, Cat in the Hat. It was my absolute favorite as a toddler! Movie wise, Curious George; so much cuter than Mike Meyers in a cat costume.

Senioritis: Which words would best describe your style?
Emily Finan: Cute, Simple, Awkward, and Illustrative.
Senioritis: What's the best business tip you have ever received and who gave it to you?
Emily Finan: When I was starting to think about selling my work, my financial guru of a father told me "You'll work twice as hard as you expect, spend twice as much as you planned, and in the first year or so the best you can hope for is to break even (but you'll probably lose money.) Know this, and never give up." And he was absolutely right.
Senioritis: Excellent words of wisdom. We think it's pretty common to underestimate how much time and effort it will take to create, market, and sell our work. Sometimes the results don't show right away but we have found that if you love what you do and never give up people will start to take notice!

Senioritis: Emily, what's your favorite sport to either watch or play?
Emily Finan: Gotta love watching Detroit Red Wings hockey, and despite my lack of hand-eye coordination I really love playing badminton.
Senioritis: Wow, I haven't played badminton in ages. I always enjoy watching it in the Olympics, the athletes make you appreciate how much strategy is involved in the sport.
Senioritis: Alice in Wonderland or Charlie & the Chocolate Factory?
Emily Finan: The original Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, hands down. The movie entranced and appalled me as a child and as much as I love Johnny Depp you just can't beat Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka.
Senioritis: We would have to agree, original Charlie & the Chocolate Factory for the win!
Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote?
Emily Finan: "Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the 'creative bug' is just a wee voice telling you, 'I'd like my crayons back, please.'"
— Hugh MacLeod
Senioritis: Great quote. With art programs taking a back seat in many schools it seems that the crayons are being taken away at an even younger age these days.

Senioritis: If you could jump in the DeLorean and go back in time; what’s one thing you would do differently in your business Emily?
Emily Finan: If I could hop in the DeLorean I would probably pack it full of sketchbooks and go back in time and draw; draw everything I possibly could. As far as my business, I don't think I'd change a thing. It took a while, but I've finally found some sort of balance between making art and starting a business.
Senioritis: If the $100 bill needed a redesign, who would you put on it?
Emily Finan: I think it would be really cool to do away with faces on currency; or maybe do away with currency all together and trade vegetables and fire wood instead, hehe.
Senioritis: Hmm, an advocate of the barter system ;)
Senioritis: Where can we find you on the web Emily?
Emily Finan: My website, on flickr, and on Etsy.

Senioritis: The Flinstones of the Jetsons?
Emily Finan: Though I watched both shows equally, I think I would have to vote for the Flinstones. Dinosaurs are cool :)
Senioritis: Any shoutouts Emily?
Emily Finan: I'd love to say hi to my supportive family and amazing friends! You guys are the best :)
Thanks for spending some time with us Emily; your work rocks and we wish you continued success. Be sure to swing by Emily's Etsy shop to view more of her work!