I celebrated my birthday here in NYC this weekend. Despite the horrendous humidity and sweltering heat, the weekend was a blast. I even managed to fit in some quality time with the rest of the senioritis clan. Jill and her old college a cappella group were singing in Central Park this weekend, and G and I rocked out next to a gigantic statue of the 15th century Polish-Lithuanian hero on horseback, King Jagiello. Jill belted out her superb Madonna solo, and G looked incredibly stylish in his brand new hand screen-printed senioritis Einstein vintage t-shirt. A great time was had by all.
Jill and I managed to hit up the annual craft fair at Lincoln Center this afternoon. We found these brilliant multi-colored scarf-necklaces, as well as a few copper bracelets. Check out the stylings of STELIOS as described last month by Victoria over at the
Stylista Diaries. The metallic colors braided together make a totally unique and fun staple item.
Feel free to let us know about any upcoming street or craft fairs - we always love to check them out! Have a great week.
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